
Thursday, October 6, 2011

if only every day was a celebration of being born.

but, i guess, why can't it be? it definitely can.

i think we can shift a little more of this happy birthday energy into our everyday lives, don't you?

let's start.

i'll give you a little bit longer of a hug, and maybe a tight squeeze at the end to remind you that there is no one on this planet like you, oh you unique soul you. i will write you blessed notes of appreciation about how much you mean to me, because, i am grateful for you. not just once a year, but every single day. i'll shower you with love.

i can't wait to share some inspiring, treasured gifts with you, my darlings. birthdays teach you that you have the best friends on the planet that know you oh-so-well. that's what i learned on october the fifth. thank you for caring about little 'ol me.  i would be empty without you.

i've been a bit {well, a lot, in my opinion} under the weather this week. and, let me just tell you, i am no good at being sick. flat out baby. self-proclaimed. i'm yearning for the days of optimum health. we must not take those for granted. off to try and get ohhh eleven hours of sleep. fingers crossed. xoxo.


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