
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

i think it's time to get back to my roots. some good 'ol fashion five-things-a-day-i-am-thankful-for fun. it was, after all, what started this sacred space.

sometimes it's nice to revisit why things begin. and, to reflect on how some things never change.

sarah and vinnie on alice ninety seven point three in the mornings. i mean every. single. day. of. the. week. monday. through. friday. they don't know it, but they are my dear pals. that's the funny thing about radio. you talk, hoping people are there to listen. well, i have been for over eleven years {wow that makes me feel old!}. thank you for the breaking news stories, celebrity trash, and crude sense of humor, all of which make me laugh out loud. starting the day would not be the same without you. you are pure comfort.

discovery of feet up the wall pose. also known as viparita karani...and a godsend for digestion. give it a try. keep things a-movin'. it's my new obsession.

fresh air. it's an uncharacteristically warm, crisp, and dry night for november that makes for a delicious open window breeze. i like it.

quotes during practice that are right on.
said during half split or ardha hanumanasana {gosh i love sanskrit, don't you?}.
those who can't seem to find stillness, need to be still the most.
this is so true.

friday night lights. i can't believe it took me so long to discover this gem of a show, but i'm so glad i did. currently i'm mid-series and loving every minute of high school football and love triangles.

{surrendering forward fold found among my pins}


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