july 15th

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

1. ray la montagne.
that voice...that guitar...those lyrics...
2. coldplay.
live on a warm monday night.
3. tuna sandwiches.
nothing like a good one.
4. lavender nails.
i don't know why, but it makes me feel like a witch.
5. accomplishment.
it's so nice to feel like you're crossing things off your list. getting those ducks in line.


july 6th

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i just spent 20 minutes trying to kill a fly that was buzzing around my room. me, notebook in hand, listening and watching for the buzzing, ready to squash that little bugger. doors open, windows open, lights on, lights off. now the whole situation just seems downright funny. human vs. insect. great way to end this very weird day.

on 6/23 i wrote, but never posted:
i don't even know where to begin there's so much goodness i feel like i might burst at the seems.

while this remains true, i had a bit of a rough day. working from home might have it's positives, but it certainly is bittersweet. the first time i've been genuinely stressed in a long while.

my life lately continues to fascinate me. doors are opening. i feel like i'm teeter-tottering on the fence of the past and the future all the while soaking in the present moment. i truly have gotten a little kickstart to the heart.

today i am grateful for.
1. runs to the bridge.
2. 8 reasons to start loving your body posted in our bathroom.
3. sharing a bathroom with molls. sharing a living space with her.
4. candle light.
5. my perfectly pink (and i mean the most perfect pink) brand new clean kanteen. if i drink out of this bad boy instead of good 'ol brita nalgene, i am promised a long cancer-free and birth-defect-free life. great, i'll take it.
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