it gives and it takes.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

i had my first good cry today. two of them actually.

and, to be honest, it was about damn time.

i have yet to shed a tear in this whole transition, so today seemed like as good a day as any. what really spurred it was a rough morning and then a surprise visit from an old san francisco co-worker who gave me a hug. and not just any hug, a real one. he somehow became very dear to my heart throughout my almost two years at three three three bush. mostly because of long chats about life and love. the best kind.

i got nostalgic for those days today. they seemed easier.

this particular friend - a born and raised new yorker himself - offered me some very good advice upon moving.

remember, gina, the thing about new york is that it gives and it takes. just don't let it take too much.

so that's where i am at. today it took a little too much. tomorrow, who knows.

*quote found over here.


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