well, i haven't opened it in ages, but tonight i randomly flipped to page two hundred and sixty six. and, low and behold, lie none other than a few simple words of wisdom to share.
tell people only what needs to be done, not how
you are part of a big world and even bigger universe
you may regret what you say but never what you do not say
difficulty strengthens the mind as labor does the body
laughter and crying sound the same in all languages
a journey begins with a single step, and a road map
all cats look alike in the dark
don't weight yourself every day
good posture means better health
a drop of ink may make a million think
remind friends of their own worth
life has a certain responsibility code
there are some qualities in life that cease to exist once we realize they are happening
learn to let go
bolded ones are my fave. happy monday, my lovers. may we have weeks full of wisdom.
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