
Friday, January 6, 2012

so, college wasn't my most faaaaavorite time of life {i know, i know what you're thinking, it's supposed to be "the best four years of your life!" but, see, i much prefer the years i'm living now}.

i'm still beyond grateful for ucsb. it's changed my life for the absolute better, and given me the most amazing friends, many of which live just blocks away. and, if not less than a mile, only a hop-skip-and-a-jump to different cities. how blessed we are.

it also turns out that santa barbara is one of the most amazing places on earth. i realize that's a powerful statement, and i really do mean it. a hidden gem - if you will - full of surfers, yogis, and young families {to name a few}.

a coworker and fellow alum sent me this beyond awesome webcam of campus point. it makes me nostalgic for the countless runs i took along the lagoon at sunset.

it's funny... we grow up and move on with our lives, but some things never change. this spot is a place for new people to discover, it's their time. i don't know about you, but i could stare at the passing runners, bikers, and surfers for hours and smile with a heart full of memories.

happy weekend!


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