detox soup.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

something is in the air. is it just me? 'tis the week of detoxing. ever since last saturday i've been doing a little makeshift cleanse. lots of juices and smoothies and soups. my body needed it. do you ever feel that way too? 

while it's taken a bit of a toll on my bank account, it has also reset me in a way that i oh so desperately needed. out with the old, in with the new as they say.

tonight i made a recipe from the goddess of gluten-free, ms. gluten free goddess herself.

i'm calling it detox soup. i put my own spin on it by adding kale and subbing the water for low-sodium, gluten-free vegetable broth.

it's absolutely de-lish! make sure you have an immersion blender, that is key, and not always the most common kitchen gadget {i remember hunting the aisles of target for the best bargain when i was in the market for one, and i think it netted out to about thirty dollars. side note, these are the days i covet a vita-mix!}.

tonight reminded me of the nights standing up in my bite-sized kitchen in san francisco cooking soup, post yoga, starting the endeavor way too late, and boiling into all hours of the night.

coast to coast, i guess some things never change. miss you, california.

p.s. for more soup inspiration see here and here.


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