the arena.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

about a year ago, i shared one of my favorite ted talks of all time by brené brown. she discusses the importance of vulnerability in our lives and what it means to live whole-heartedly, with courage. in moments of fear, i often reflect on her talk and become rooted in the thought that while feeling vulnerable is scary, it's a necessity for personal growth, positive change, and discovering our own self-worth.

as she states, in her follow up ted talk, "vulnerability is not weakness, it's the birthplace of innovation, creativity, and change."

if you have twenty minutes, i'd recommend watching. it may just be the psych major in me, but i can attest that it has some incredibly valuable lessons on shame, and how feelings of not being good enough can get in the way of who we want to be.

as brené says, "may we enter the arena that is our lives, and dare greatly."

it's all happening has truly taught me we must risk feeling vulnerable by speaking our minds to create something beautiful that is true to ourselves. bring on the vulnerability. we need more of it in this world.


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