
Sunday, November 18, 2012

truth be told, i've always been a vision board kind of gal. as i've grown up, collages would magically appear on the inside of pencil boxes, lockers, on the back of doors, and in journals. i find such calm and solace in the act of cutting and pasting from magazines into journals. snip! snip! paste. write a thought or goal or desire. and so it goes...

in the spirit of feeling like i've lost my way a little bit as of late, and wanting to gain some clarity about what is next, i spent much of this rainy weekend curled up in my apartment on the floor with scissors, a glue stick, pens, blank pages, and a stack of magazines.

i felt at peace and at ease. because as scary as the future might seem, there's something about compartmentalizing it into a journal full of images and words that really makes it all seem okay. i finished feeling inspired, hopeful, grounded, and ready for what is to come.

it's funny, as i looked back over my work and re-read goals made over the past seven years, i realized  that the core of who we are never really changes. isn't that fantastic? our essence is something we develop at a young age, which in my opinion is a true gift.

my weekend art project reminded me that it's all falling into place whether i am fully aware of it or not. while things might not happen exactly according to plan or right on schedule, and i seem to be taking some twists and turns along my path, it's all happening. every thing i've ever wanted, slowly but surely, is all happening.

then i realized that's the message of this blog. oh do you see it too? to know that the lives we strive for, the things we wish to fall into place, the people we want to be, it's all happening. all the time. whether we know it or not.

so, may our dreams become our reality. with each year that passes, may we continue to receive the things we've always wanted even if there are surprises along the way.

*pictures of my favorite journal given as a gift from this one with the inside covers already collaged. oh, you know me so well!


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