february 22nd

Sunday, February 22, 2009

1. sleeping in.
eyes didn't open until 10am. it felt so nice - my lack of sleep lately has really caught up to me so i treasure the morning hours when i can get them.
2. days when you're allowed to be lazy.
it happens incredibly few and far between these days where i do nothing but lounge. today, it was heavenly. i didn't even feel guilty dozing off to never been kissed on hbo. it wasn't the typical "adventurous" sunday i've embarked on lately. it was perfect and much needed and the way i see it, very healthy:)
3. couch + pink blanket.
there is something so comforting about my parents' couch and that pink blanket i've had forever. these two things combined is the definition of coziness to me.
4. oscar viewing.
a great form of entertainment to see these beautiful stars all done-up to perfection being celebrated for their work in movies. there is so much history in many of these films. it's so fun to watch the red-carpet and critique. i love that this event is part of our culture...so much time and energy go into making it a "show." natalie portman was definitely my fave followed by the incredibly inspiring kate winslet and (a new love for) anne hathaway.
5. heart to hearts.
i think a.m. and i have truly blossomed as friends. it's been quite a year for both of us full of learning and growing.


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