just that flipping of the page is so refreshing. this month's quote to inspire and lighten up my cube: "two roads diverged in a wood, and i - i took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - robert frost.
a classic.
2. away messages.
they just spice up the day. and you can get really creative.
3. the nice comcast woman.
generally, dealing with customer service reps on the phone isn't always the most exciting past time. however, today i got a true gem. who knew comcast empolyed such nice people - don't they have a bad rep? gosh, i wish i could remember this sweet woman's name. after she called ME back to squeeze me in for an appointment on sunday i told her, "i'm grateful for you! i'm going to pay it forward today and share this good karma you just handed off to me." she probably thought i was a nut. little did she know she'd make the blog.
4. dooce.
she's our little celebrity! i can't believe we saw her in the flesh. she came with the southern accent and all, and is just as funny in person as she is in her writing.
you can't see her in this photo because she's hidden behind the sea of people waiting to get their book signed, but you get the general idea of the crowd at books inc.

5. minnie.
the sweetest most loving and giving soul on the planet. i miss our lulu days. i'm so happy for her in nyc embracing this period of her life. go girl. thank you for checking in. thank you for always sending sweet notes. and thank you for being you.
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